Good for What Ails You

Massage — Good for What Ails You

Ask the average person what they think of when you say massage therapy and they most likely will mention getting sore or tight muscles rubbed, getting relaxed or reducing tension. These are probably the main reasons most people seek out massage treatments.

This article reviews the very broad scope of treatment that massage addresses every day. Many of these conditions may not directly apply to you, but you may know someone — a family member or friend — who is affected. At the very least, you should find it interesting to learn just how beneficial massage therapy is to all of us in our quest to lead a happy and healthy life.

The medical conditions that people find therapeutic massage can help include:

asthma & bronchitis
carpal tunnel syndrome
chronic & temporary pain
circulatory problems
digestive disorders
headache, especially due to tension
myofascial pain (where the muscles connect)
reduced range of motion
sports injuries
TMJ (noise and/or pain in the jaw joint)
As interest in massage therapy grows, more studies are being conducted to verify the anecdotal results clients have reported for years.

As an example, several studies offer evidence that immune function is strengthened by massage therapy — in both healthy people as well as those who are fighting disease.

"‘In one study after another, research is suggesting that massage therapy has a positive impact on immune function,’ said Diane Zeitlin, research associate at the Center for Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Kessler Medical Rehabilitation & Education Corporation, West Orange, N.J.

"‘An increase in white blood cells and natural killer-cell activity better prepares the body to fight off possible invading cells,’ said Zeitlin. ‘These cellular changes suggest the immune system benefited from the massages, and these findings fall in line with previous research.’"

In a study conducted by the Touch Research Institute (TRI) at the University of Miami on women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer, the women received regular massage therapy (three times a week for five weeks), with 80 percent showing improved immune function.

"‘These are the first studies that show an effect of massage therapy on an immune function test, which can support the use of massage therapy to alleviate stress, relax muscles and now possibly serve as an alternative medical practice,’ said Michael Ruff, Ph.D., research associate professor at Georgetown University Medical School."

Another TRI study addressed fibromyalgia (a chronic condition characterized by muscular pain, aching, and/or stiffness and afflicting an estimated 3 – 6 million Americans). A portion of the study group received 30 minute massages twice a week for five weeks. The rheumatologists that evaluated the results determined that this group experienced decreases in pain, fatigue, stiffness and improvements in the quality of sleep.

If you are fortunate enough to have excellent health, consider what benefits massage can provide for you. What is becoming evident from the growing number of studies on massage benefits is that massage is helping people to enjoy more optimal physical functioning. And this in turn can lead to a better mental outlook.

The next time you hear someone say that massage is only a luxury, you’ll know that massage is really a tool that can help improve a body’s ability to regain and maintain proper function. Making you feel terrific is just a wonderful bonus!

The bebefits of a massage

Physical Benefits of Therapeutic Massage
Helps relieve stress and aids relaxation
Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness
Alleviates discomfort during pregnancy
Fosters faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments; reduces pain and swelling; reduces formation of excessive scar tissue
Reduces muscle spasms
Provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion
Enhances athletic performance; Treats injuries caused during sport or work
Promotes deeper and easier breathing
Improves circulation of blood and movement of lymph fluids
Reduces blood pressure
Helps relieve tension-related headaches and effects of eye-strain
Enhances the health and nourishment of skin
Improves posture
Strengthens the immune system
Treats musculoskeletal problems
Rehabilitation post operative
Rehabilitation after injury

(Source: AMTA)

Mental Benefits of Massage Therapy
Fosters peace of mind
Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness
Helps relieve mental stress
Improves ability to monitor stress signals and respond appropriately
Enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity
Emotional Benefits
Satisfies needs for caring nurturing touch
Fosters a feeling of well-being
Reduces levels of anxiety
Creates body awareness
Increases awareness of mind-body connection

(Source: AMTA)

Massage and Migrains

The agonizing pain associated with the migraine has been reported for centuries. And while many studies have been performed, migraines are a poorly understood condition affecting millions.
Massage therapy has long been described as a non-invasive way to manage pain and bring about some degree of relief for the migraine sufferer.

Migraine History
Migraines have been associated with vascular abnormalities since the late 1600's. However, early cultures thought migraines were a curse from the gods. Treatments have varied over the course of history to include such things as tying a clay crocodile to the head with linen inscribed with the names of the gods (ancient Egypt, approximately 1200 BC) to dripping coca juice containing cocaine into an incision in the scalp (ancient Incas) to willow bark extract (Native Americans).

As studies and modern medicine progressed migraines remain beguiling. Migraines can attack for any of a variety of reasons, including things like hormones, stress, hunger, weather changes, visual or auditory stimuli, change in sleep patterns, medications, certain smells, certain foods and additives or allergies.

Typically, migraines are treated with prescription medications. However, improper or prolonged use of medications can actually perpetuate the pain. The best treatment for migraines is promoting an optimal environment.

How Can Massage Help?
Massage by a qualified, trained massage therapist can address a multitude of problems that may contribute to migraine pain. Massage coupled with an in-depth look into lifestyle habits and environmental causes with positive actions to take control over triggers can alleviate pain, decrease the duration or intensity of pain - even eliminate the migraine.

Take stress for example. Physical or mental stress impedes your quality of life. It can perpetuate or initiate sickness. A relaxing massage can decrease stress and promote a sense of overall wellness.

Back to the basics

We as therapist try to make a session interesting. Some times we forget the basics. When we get a new client we get all excited and we really want to help them, but instead of setting them down and really getting to know them and talking to them we get them on our table and start to work on the problem.

One of the main reasons why they come to us in the first place is not only our mannerisms but our genuine concerns of they health. We must not for get that they come to us because of an injury of some sort.


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